A little trip westward

Here’s a video of a wonderful trip I took a couple weeks ago with my parents. 15 minutes from my house, yes I am lucky!

Sea Promo launch!

We’re making a special film about women overcoming their expected roles in society while dealing with the issue of rape culture and consent. For every €10 you donate, €2 will be going to the Rape Crisis Network here in Ireland so by supporting us and our story, you’re helping us support real women and men…

Varadero Vlog!

While I scrimmage together some things for Varadero part 2, here’s a little vlog of our time there. Enjoy 😀  

I live in a beautiful place. 

But I need to leave it.  I’m not sure if it’s a grass-is-greener scenario or if it’s just not the right time for me to be at home. I’m nudging towards the latter because I do completely acknowledge how wonderful the place is that I live in. I mean simply look at this:  I took…

Brain Bandage-Making Mental Illness ‘Trendy’ is Dangerous.

I’ll keep this one semi-short. Mental Health Awareness Day has just passed, and that means a load of people posting about mental health, which is absolutely brilliant! There’s one thing that really needs to be avoided, and that’s talking about mental health as if it’s a ‘trendy’ topic. Let me say now; trendy and important…

Venturing in Varadero (Part 1)

I’m writing this two weeks after returning home. I feel like the travel bubble faded off pretty quickly this time, maybe because it was a shorter trip, but I’m going to try and relive those days in Varadero now so I can lope out of this stagnant ‘home’ feeling, and share with you the wonders of…

Havana Vlog

Here’s my vlog for Havana! All this jet lag had to be useful for something :p  

Waking in Havana

We only spent one day, two nights, in Havana for the beginning of our trip. (We’re going back again at the end for three nights!) Havana is everything you think it would be, and more. I woke up, having had about five hours sleep after our trek from Dingle so I wasn’t the freshest daisy,…

Getting to Cuba

Let’s see how far along I get on making an account of everything that happens here. I’ve finally started videoing more now too so there’ll be vlogs following once I’m home with the lappy top 🙏🏽 now my memory may be slightly hazy of the past couple days but I will try my upmost to…